Here you will find the latest update for the Z21 ᴡʟᴀɴMAUS
The new Z21 WLANMAUS firmware V1.10.2 contains the following innovations:
Solved Failures:
- Various WiFi improvements for a stable operation in a Z21-based multi-client network
- Automatic update of the loco and turnout status without subscription on every supported central station
- The display symbols "1" … "10" for visualizing the function group FG1 are now displayed correctly
New Features:
- Extension of function keys to F31
- LOCO has been added to the selection of the STOP KEY submenu to activate a selective loco stop
- CLUB has been added to the selection of the CHILD LOCK submenu to activate a club mode
- The new hardware type Z21 XL has been added to the submenu HARDWARE TYPE
- The new control-center type Z21 XL has been added to the submenu CONTROL CENTER